Publicera is the national digital platform for Swedish scholarly open access journals. This means that all content published on Publicera is available for everyone to read, free of charge.
Open access publishing
Publicera helps Swedish scholarly journals transition to an open access publishing system. The platform aims to make Swedish scholarly journals visible and accessible.
The requirements set for journals that use the platform help ensure that the journals live up to established scholarly publishing standards as well as guidelines and requirements of research funders, indexes and databases.
A common interface
Publicera consists of a common interface where journal editors manage the entire scholarly publishing workflow, from manuscript submission to peer review and publishing full text and metadata with immediate open access.
The platform is based on OJS (Open Journal Systems) External link., free, open-source software used by more than 34,000 journals worldwide. OJS is also used by several other national platforms similar to Publicera, such as
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There is no cost to participating journals to use the platform.
More information about the services included and the requirements participating journals must meet in order to use the platform is available on Publicera's website.
The journals
Journals on Publicera cover many research fields, from archeology to literature, medicine and law, among others. These journals publish research articles as well as essays, reviews, debate articles and more.
There has been significant interest in the platform, and within the next year, more journals are expected to join Publicera.
The National Library's role
Publicera is the result of a government assignment to the National Library of Sweden (Kungliga biblioteket, KB) to establish and manage the national platform for Swedish scholarly open access journals. This assignment also includes making the journals visible and supporting the transition to an open access publishing system.
The assignment is based on recommendations made in the study Financial and technical support for open access scholarly journals (2019).
KB has built and manages the digital platform and offers technical support for users. KB can also help with questions about scholarly publishing, regarding such areas as open licenses and good publishing practices. KB does not act as a publisher for the journals, and the financial and editorial responsibility rests entirely with the journals' owners and editors.
Publicera's Development Council
KB has a Development Council for Publicera that provides advice and participates in strategic discussions regarding the platform's development and collaborative efforts.
Read more about Publicera's Development Council (in Swedish).