Gene­ral terms and condi­tions

Before applying for an exhibition loan please read the following general terms and conditions.


The Borrower shall comply with the Lender's terms and conditions for handling Objects. Unless otherwise agreed, the following shall apply:

  • Objects may not be moved from the Exhibition Premises or used for any purpose other than the Exhibition without the Lender's express written consent.
  • The Lender shall be informed in advance, and the Lender's approval is required, regarding where and how Objects on loan are to be installed in the Exhibition. This refers, for example, to fittings and material in cases, fastening framed Objects to walls, which other objects and props, if any, shall be shown in the same cases, etc.
  • Objects may only be handled and installed by the Courier or another person designated by the Courier. The cases must be closed and locked in the Courier's presence. With the exception of emergency situations (fire, floods, etc.), the cases may not thereafter be opened and the exhibited Objects may not be handled without the Lender's consent. In the event of an emergency, Objects shall be removed to a safe location. The Lender shall thereafter be informed.
  • Objects which are framed or otherwise mounted may not be dismantled without the Lender's consent. No conservation measures may be taken without the Lender's written consent. Nails, tape, adhesive, or other material which may have a detrimental effect on Objects may not be used on Objects.


The Lender shall always be identified as the lender in all exhibition material and credited as "Kungliga biblioteket, Stockholm" (In English: National Library of Sweden) Where applicable, the photographer's name shall also be stated in proximity to the picture.


Photographs of Objects may only be used in exhibition catalogues, press material, and invitations to openings. Digital files for printed reproduction must be ordered from the Lender's reproduction and photography department. Objects may only be photographed following agreement with the Lender. General overview pictures in the Exhibition as well as photographs for inspection reports are permissible.


Within Sweden

  • Basic fee: SEK 12,000 (including administrative handling of the loan case)
  • Withdrawn application or refusal: SEK 1,600 (becomes effective after review of Facility report has taken place)

International loans

  • Basic fee: SEK 26,000 (including administrative handling of the loan case)
  • Withdrawn application or refusal: SEK 1,600 (becomes effective after review of Facility report has taken place)

Additional costs

  • SEK 7,200/work (measuring, easier conservation measures, condition report, packing, preparing hanging/book cradle)
  • Warehouse transport: SEK 800
  • Costs for transport boxes, frames, mounts, specially ordered book cradles
  • Travel and hotel for courier
  • Advanced conservation measures: SEK 1,350/hour (including material costs)

Exhibition catalogue

The Borrower shall send 2 copies of any lending catalogue to the Lender, which will include the exhibition catalogue in its collections.

Insurance/State Guarantee

The Borrower shall procure insurance/a state guarantee for Objects. It shall remain in force for the duration of the Lending Period, shall cover all risks, and shall provide coverage for the value specified in appendix 2 to the lending agreement. The Borrower shall send a copy of insurance documents to the Lender not later than 15 days before Objects leave the Lender.

Climate and lighting conditions

The Borrower guarantees that:

  • Objects shall be exhibited at luminous intensity which does not exceed 50 lux;
  • exposure to UV radiation shall not exceed 75 microwatts/lumen;
  • the relative humidity in the premises where Objects are stored and/or shown shall be maintained at a stable level between 45-55% and with a daily variation which does not exceed 5%;
  • the temperature in the premises where Objects are stored and/or shown shall be maintained at a stable level between 18-22° C.

The Borrower shall notify the Lender immediately in the event of any change of the above circumstances.


All transport shall take place using an art transport company which the Lender has approved in advance. Information shall be provided regarding the way in which all transports of Objects will take place. The vehicles which are used must have a lockable cargo area and, where applicable, suitable clamping devices for the crate.


Objects must be stored and shown under satisfactory security conditions. Unframed Objects must be exhibited in locked cases which are protected by alarms with vibration detectors and opening contacts. The Lender shall be informed regarding, and the Lender's approval is required for, the case design.

Framed Objects must be hung with satisfactory anchoring, e.g. the frame must be fastened to the wall with screws at several points.

The Borrower gives its assurance that it has informed the Lender regarding all circumstances which are relevant to enable the Lender to assess whether the security in the Exhibition Premises is satisfactory. Disclosures shall, among other things, include information regarding fire protection, security systems, and guards in the Exhibition Premises. The validity of this agreement is conditional on compliance with the above obligation to provide information.


In the event a person retained by the Borrower is given access to confidential information, applicable provisions of the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2009:400) shall be observed. Accordingly, such retained person may not disclose or utilise confidential information which they learn in conjunction with execution of the agreement. The duty of confidentiality shall thus also apply vis-à-vis every other person. The Borrower shall be obligated to inform relevant personnel of the import of the provisions of the Secrecy Act regarding confidentiality of documents and professional confidentiality.

The Borrower undertakes to ensure that all employees who are involved with the Exhibition and Objects are informed of applicable confidentiality provisions and that information which is received in conjunction with execution of the Exhibition which may comprise information regarding security and surveillance measures in respect of Objects (where it can be assumed that the purpose of the measure will be contravened if the information is disclosed) shall be treated confidentially both during the term of the agreement and thereafter, and for the duration of such confidentiality obligation. All relevant persons shall be informed of applicable provisions and the application thereof. As confirmation of receipt of information, each and every relevant person shall sign a confidentiality undertaking. Only persons who have submitted a confidentiality undertaking may perform tasks which are included in contractual undertakings. Lender shall, upon request, receive copies of signed confidentiality undertakings.


The Borrower shall be liable for personal injury and property damage caused through the Borrower's agency. The Borrower's liability shall comprise only compensation for direct costs as a result of such damage. The Borrower assumes complete liability for any and all losses or damage in respect of Objects. Such liability shall apply for the duration of the Lending Period.

Termination of the agreement

In the event the Borrower breaches the provisions of this agreement, the Lender shall be entitled to terminate this agreement with immediate effect. The Borrower shall thereupon be obligated to immediately return Objects to the Lender.

The Courier shall have full authority to terminate this agreement with immediate effect if, at any time during the Lending Period, it proves to be the case that the terms and conditions of this agreement are not met or cannot be met in the Courier's presence. The Borrower shall thereupon be obligated to arrange and defray return transport pursuant to the terms and conditions specified under "Transport".

Assignment of the agreement

Neither party may assign or pledge, in whole or in part, its rights or obligations under this agreement without the written consent of the other party.

Amendments of the agreement

In order to be binding, amendments and modifications of the agreement must be written and duly signed by the parties.

Entire agreement

The agreement, with its appendices, comprises the parties' entire agreement in respect of all issues to which the agreement relates. This agreement, with its appendices, supersedes all written and oral undertakings and promises which preceded the agreement.


The substantive laws of Sweden shall apply to the interpretation and application of this agreement. Any disputes related to this agreement shall first be resolved through negotiation between the parties. In the event the parties cannot reach an agreement during the negotiations, any dispute regarding the interpretation and application of this agreement shall be adjudicated by a court of general jurisdiction in Stockholm.

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